Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shanghai. Fail...

The bad news is that my camera is most definitely on the fritz... Being knocked about across continents over the last six months has taken its toll and it's now in critical condition. Actually, the quality of the latest pictures in Guangzhou was pretty terrible. They all looked very washed out... Plus, I seem to have lost all my pictures of Shanghai...

The good news is that I've bought myself a new camera! So RIP old Nikon... and welcome brand new Canon! It's getting its christening on China's Great Wall :-) Coming up in my next post!

Camera issues aside, there's really no underestimating the language and culture gap in China. Me not speaking a word of Chinese and China not really speaking a word of English, any communication quickly degenerates into a game of pictionary, with loads of enthusiastic nodding and smiling on my side. Finding something as seemingly straightforward as the right street often seems like a mini-miracle... In order to eat food I can wrap my head around, I've now perfected my chicken dance and can make a very convincing pig imitation...

I most definitely scrapped my romantic plan of crossing the country in two or three stops while making my way from the South to the Eastern cities of Shanghai and Beijing. Forget that Wood and stick to the big cities...

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