Up at the crack of dawn the next morning to catch the sunrise. Ahead of me, the lights of a jeep...
Beautiful sunrise....

...in a nice and intimate setting! Me and hundreds of other tourists... Half the planet is on vacation in Indonesia...
Muslims praying on one side, the rest watching the rest of the sunset on the other...

The whole place has a slight Mad Max feel with motorbikes roaring around all day and all night... Dozens of jeeps carting us tourists around... It's desolate, dusty... and also has horses to bring people up to the volcano's crater...
The schlepp up...

This fella is ready for action!
I actually hired one of the Mad Max bike guys to bring me around the volcano and then all the way to my next destination (Malang), which involves crossing this valley on the back of said bike:
Great View. Also a Video Here.
People, this is as Mad Max as I get...
On the other side of the valley it's fertile slopes...
We arrive in Malang to the sound of the mosques calling for prayer
And I somehow get suckered into making a cameo as a guest at a local English class. Actually, it was a really nice guy called Dewisur I met in Malang. He's an English teacher in one of the neighborhoods...
MORE PIX HERE. If you can bear it...