Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Wood Canine Development Index

So there´s a lot of stray dogs around Central and South America... which has led me to perfect the Wood Canine Development Index. Basically, the idea is that the street dog population tends to mirror the level of human development and quality of life. Factors weighing into the index include:

- Number of stray dogs = Generally, more dogs means poorer region, BUT health of dogs is also important as it could mean the region is able to support more dogs, hence indicating decent conditions.

- Shabiness of the dogs = A pretty key factor. No matter the number of dogs, if they look underfed and flea ridden, that´s an all-around negative. A country with more pets on leashes generally tends to have higher level of development.

 - Age of the dogs = Older dogs surviving generally indicates a better quality of life, while a lot of puppies is rarely a good sign. At least for the dogs...

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