Friday, June 22, 2012


Well, Bolivia isn't off to a great start...

As we stop for a toilet break/money change in a village right before the Peru-Bolivia border, I walk out of the bathroom to find that the bus has left without me, my backpack is on board and everything...

After a couple minutes to recover from the shock, i flag down a cab and chase the bus to the border. Ten minutes later i've caught up with the bloody thing and accept the driver's sheepish apologies...

To make things worse, I started coming down with some kind of bug leaving peru and have to spend a couple of days nursing myself back to life. Not only does it suck being sick on the road but heating is not a concept that seems to apply to hotel rooms around here...

Staying in the other Copacabana, Which is by lake titicaca (I assume that explains the quotation marks below). It's the usual business of no working ATM in town... After another half day trying to sort out some cash, i'm ready to explore the world outside of my refrigerated hotel room...

Bolivian cholitaS (women in traditional clothes) selling stuff on the main square.


Loads of houses still being built with adobe bricks


  1. Salut,

    Heureux de savoir que cela c'est bien terminé.

    C'est un plaisir de prendre de tes nouvelles avant d'embaucher et tes photos sont magnifiques.

    Concernant ton aventure, moi je m'attacherais document et cash autour du coup jour et nuit.

    Bonne route.


  2. Replies
    1. No worries, valuables are nearly surgically attached to me ;-)

  3. Hey David,

    Couldn't tell if you chewed the leaf yet or not.

    You have been going slowly so maybe you are acclimated to the elevation.

    Getting altitude sickness is no fun. Especially on top of a Peruvian bug.

    Hope you are feeling better.

