Sunday, April 22, 2012

God. Appropriately for a sunday...

At the risk of reinforcing a cliche... Central America is a very religious region. For example, in countries like Guatemala, a significant amount of TV air time and full channels are dedicated to religious programming, including in prime time... churches are absolutely full during the multiple daily services...

I was also struck by some of the very graphic imagery of Jesus´crucification as compared to that used elsewhere. Below are a few examples:


Detail from Leon´s cathedral ceiling

Some kind of fruit offering in Antigua, Guatemala during Semana Santa

Also in Antigua, one church has a request book for the local saint to work a miracle...

But it seems to work as per the many thank you plaques next to it

Oddly enough, the actual tomb is empty...

This was a sign in Guatemala inviting the local youth to attend catechism...

And of course, the processions of Semana Santa...

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