Thursday, March 8, 2012

Two local statistics

Today's headline: 79% of drugs in the US transit through honduras. Who knew....?

That's according to a recent report on narcotraffic that is part of Joe Biden's current state visit to Honduras, mainly to reaffirm the US' commitment to fighting drug trafficking... The northeastern part of the country (mosquito coast) is actually a key transit point here. Its limited infrastructure and presence of state authority make it an ideal area for well-funded, logistics-savvy drug cartels to channel drugs from producing regions like Colombia and Bolivia, onward to Mexico, Panama and ultimately the US.

Another sobering stat: Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world... [don't worry Mum ;-) ]. Many places have "no weapons" signs... ALL banks have cops with machine guns or shotguns outside and they check you with a metal detector at the entrance, bags and hats are also checked...

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