Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brazil Bonanza: Sao Paulo

One thing I'll say about Brazil is that it's too much fun to take time out for updating a blog :-) So here comes all of Brazil, all at once, starting with Sao Paulo:

Clocking in at 19 million people, it's a big, urban place. Not unlike NYC...

And some perfectly dreadful weather for a couple of days

Finally sunshine for a visit to the saturday morning market

Loads of exotic, mysterious fruits...

Time for lunch: Deep fried pancakes with loads of yummy sauces

Couchsurfing at Dennes (left) and with Marcelo (right)

Anthony Gormley has brought his show to Sao Paulo (all you New Yorkers will remember the Madison Park installation)

I also happened to be in town the same weekend as the Gay Pride:

Some random faces and craziness... Particular crazy is the guy wearing an argentina shirt in Brazil ;-)

Jack Sparrow made an appearance...

Get an eyeful with this VIDEO (please note NSFW)

Arty farty shot of Sao Paulo's Chinatown

Dennes got us an action packed day, as we ended that same saturday with a (free) Maceo Parker gig in the park.

The boys at the gig...

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