Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brazil Bonanza 2: Paraty

After the urban density of Sao Paulo, I moved on to Paraty, a gorgeous little town halfway between SP and Rio.

Still some rain from the storm that hit the entire East coast of Brazil.


I rented a mountain bike to visit these beautiful waterfalls

But rental bikes being what they are, the brakes were seriously underperforming. Especially when going full speed down a dirt road... This sent me straight into the ditch and a tango with the bike. I took it quite literally on the chin with a big bleeding gash A trip to the local ER room, a knocked up rib and four stitches later... I'm looking human again! And the best was that I didn't have to pay anything... Socialized medicine is pretty good after all.

PS: Pictures of the cut are pretty gory and available upon request...

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