Sunday, May 20, 2012

Yay! Coffee!!

I think we can all agree that coffe is good. And Colombian coffee is excellent. Not only that, but everyone I talked to raved about the beauty of the Zona Cafetera, Colombia´s picturesque coffee producing region. So here I am in Salento, a small town in the heart of the region.

The main square

View of the valley

 The local specialty, trucha con patacon. Trout served with a deep fried plantain crepe. Yum!

The perfect cup of coffee...

 Streets of Salento

The best view I`ve ever seen from a butcher´s counter...

Foggy walk to a coffee plantation

...And the coffee plant itself...

Don David and Don Elias, the old boy running the all organic coffee plantation.

Naturally, I got caught in a diluvian rainstorm walking back... The path (below) basically turned into a stream. It was raining so hard I couldn´t even manage to take a decent picture.

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