Saturday, November 3, 2012

TempleLooza in Hampi

Hampi was the capital of an empire at some point. They got their butt kicked (as all empires do eventually) and now all that's left are the temples. And part of a bazaar that also got its buttkicked when the site became UNESCO world heritage. These days, it kinda looks like Beirut on a bad day:

Lucy my travel buddy met in Goa

We got a laugh out of this menu. Not sure which I prefer: the pooding or the banana castrad... 

The site(s) is huge. Essentially the whole town is covered with little temples, shrines and old old ruins.

The elephant stables:


  1. I love yours pics Dave. I follow all of your post. Thx to share your travel' vibes. See u buddy. Nico. A bientot a NYC

  2. wow it's beautiful !!! - i love lucy :-)
