Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Final Post: My trip In Numbers

My big trip is over and I'm now safely back in France, catching up on my red wine and foie gras intake. There's a number of ways of looking (back) at this trip. Here's the numbers version:

4,325 pictures taken
301 days on the road
80 cities visited (more or less...)
24 Flights
16 counties visited... (19 if you include Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore)
More bus rides than you can shake a stick at...
Loads of new friends
9 Books read
9 Months of solid travelling
4 New stitches. Ouch...
1 Hell of a trip

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kathmandu. Over and Out...

Back to Kathmandu and my flight out, as well as the end of my trip... In any case, Kathmandu is a place of contrasts.. While there are some transporting parts:

There's some pretty blah parts of town... polluted, busy, full of trash, local guys pushing drugs and girls...

But then again, some parts are really well-preserved. Like Durbar square

Local butcher shop:

 Visit to the "monkey" temple:

Funerary cremation

Beheaded goat for a sacrifice type of situation...

Friday, December 7, 2012

"Best Of" Bhaktapur Wood & Stone Carvings

The entire place is covered with the most intricate carvings.


Lotus flowers


Including some naughty ones!

Elephants get it on

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stunning Bhaktapur

I thought Bandipur was nice. Bhaktapur is even more amazing... Every little square inch of stone and wood is carved in the most minute detail.

The main square:

Local shopkeeper

Yep, that's a working well. The city is full of them...

Here are a couple of headlines that give you an idea of Nepal's level of development:

More Bhaktapur pictures here.